Meredith and I both had the stomach bug that has been going around, and I was impressed once again with how awesome my kids are. Meredith got sick 3 times, then was just slightly more subdued than usual. I was completely knocked out, and certain that death was right around the corner. I was out of bed for all of 15 minutes yesterday morning before turning on the tv and texting Matt to say that I couldn't make it through the day without him. I then went back to bed, where my children's awesome-ness was displayed for me over the next several hours...
Meredith helped Nathan get a drink and a snack. She played with him and entertained him for a long time, and they managed to not trash the entire house! Nathan kept running into my room at first, to check on me. He crawled over me, said "Fun! Wheee!" and jumped on the bed for the next 5 minutes, throwing himself down every few bounces and laughing. (He was cute and I was laying down, so I didn't mind.) After a while, he ran out and shut the door. About a minute later, he ran back in and came over to stare at me. I asked "Are you here to take care of Mommy?" and he smoothed the covers down, patted my head and ran out, slamming the door. 5 seconds later the door banged open again, Nathan rushed in, turned the fan on, then ran back out, shutting the door again! They were so good, well behaved, super sweet, and I really appreciated that I was able to cower in bed all morning even though Matt had to work. At 12 Matt was able to make it home and take over, but I will always be grateful that the kids were so amazing when I really needed a break. My kids are so wonderful!
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Valentine's day 2010
Happy Valentine's Day!
This morning when I came home from church, Matt was fixing a special breafast for us. He made pancakes and used the cookie cutters to make them heart shaped. I thought it was one of the best husband/father moments ever, and I love that he made the effort to do something special that the kids will remember. 9 years ago today Matt and I first got together at a party at his apartment, and we have been together ever since. I can't believe it's been 9 years already, and I also can't believe it's only been 9 years!
Valentine's day has always been my favorite holiday. When I was little (like up until I was probably 15 or 16) I didn't know that it was meant more as a romantic holiday. My parents always did special cards, flowers, pink cream of wheat at breakfast, Russel Stover's chocolates and cool new pencils for us on Valentine's day. The school parties were always full of goodies, cards from everyone, and the great fun of making special bags or boxes to hold our treasures in. I loved the paper doilies that seem to serve no purpose other than to drip excessive glue when attached to construction paper. Even today, I get euphoric when I smell contruction paper, paste and crayons. (At every time of year, not just when making valentine's)
I think it's nice that there is a day dedicated to letting your loved ones know that they are special to yo. My dad still remembers how special I think this day is and sends me a card every single year, filled with tiny red confetti hearts. They fall all over the floor, and we find them for weeks after we think they are gone. They drive Matt crazy, but I love them! They make me smile every time I see them. (To be fair, my dad sends them half because I love them and half because they drive Matt crazy!)
So, have a wonderful Valentine's Day. May your day be filled with love from friends and family and your significant other, and may the spirit of love remain with us year round!
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Dear winter
Dear winter,
I am ready for your friend spring to visit me instead. You have overstayed your welcome and I wish that we could have some time apart now. The kids are ready to play outside, and we are tired of wearing coats. I miss seeing colors when I look out my window, the ugly browns or dead grass and leaf-less trees can go away along with the ice, wet, cold and wind that you brought with you. Please pack up your things and leave, and perhaps with time I will be ready to see you again.
Thank you,
Okay, I know that was silly, but I am so over cold weather! One of my favorite things about moving to Oklahoma is that I would be living someplace where the winter is much shorter and they didn't get much snow. So of course, this year we have had record storms. Murphy's law strikes again!
On an up note, we have had a good past few days. Nathan has been having some painful stomach issues this week, and was so hysterical for almost 3 hours that I finally rushed him in to see the pediatrician on Wednesday afternoon. Turns out my little man was having painful gas and constipation (lovely, I know.) and so that was why he was all of the sudden acting possessed. Now we have medication for him and we have adjusted his diet a little and he seems to only throw temper tantrums when he doesn't get his way. This is still frequent, but much more tolerable! Cooper was sick on Wednesday and Thursday, and on Friday he was still acting like spitting up was really painful, so he went back home to hang out with Kelli, who was also sick. I feel for them, I know that the stomach bug is no fun. But, it was nice to get some individual time with the kiddos over the last few days, and I am reminded again how much more manageable life with just 2 kids is! By Friday at naptime, the house was clean, laundry was done and put away, I had worked out and showered, dinner was underway, the kids had been played with and I actually had a break when I didn't have something else I should have been doing! It was WONDERFUL!
The weather subsided enough and warmed up into the 40's yesterday, so when Mere got home from school we played outside for an hour. Nathan went down the slide by himself for the first time ever, which was so cute! Here is a video to show it, I didn't get the whole thing, but at the end after he says "Whee!" he stands up and says "It's fun!" Meredith was cute playing outside too, she is very good with her brother, and loves to put on shows for me. She is definitely one who doesn't mind being the center of attention!
I am ready for your friend spring to visit me instead. You have overstayed your welcome and I wish that we could have some time apart now. The kids are ready to play outside, and we are tired of wearing coats. I miss seeing colors when I look out my window, the ugly browns or dead grass and leaf-less trees can go away along with the ice, wet, cold and wind that you brought with you. Please pack up your things and leave, and perhaps with time I will be ready to see you again.
Thank you,
Okay, I know that was silly, but I am so over cold weather! One of my favorite things about moving to Oklahoma is that I would be living someplace where the winter is much shorter and they didn't get much snow. So of course, this year we have had record storms. Murphy's law strikes again!
On an up note, we have had a good past few days. Nathan has been having some painful stomach issues this week, and was so hysterical for almost 3 hours that I finally rushed him in to see the pediatrician on Wednesday afternoon. Turns out my little man was having painful gas and constipation (lovely, I know.) and so that was why he was all of the sudden acting possessed. Now we have medication for him and we have adjusted his diet a little and he seems to only throw temper tantrums when he doesn't get his way. This is still frequent, but much more tolerable! Cooper was sick on Wednesday and Thursday, and on Friday he was still acting like spitting up was really painful, so he went back home to hang out with Kelli, who was also sick. I feel for them, I know that the stomach bug is no fun. But, it was nice to get some individual time with the kiddos over the last few days, and I am reminded again how much more manageable life with just 2 kids is! By Friday at naptime, the house was clean, laundry was done and put away, I had worked out and showered, dinner was underway, the kids had been played with and I actually had a break when I didn't have something else I should have been doing! It was WONDERFUL!
The weather subsided enough and warmed up into the 40's yesterday, so when Mere got home from school we played outside for an hour. Nathan went down the slide by himself for the first time ever, which was so cute! Here is a video to show it, I didn't get the whole thing, but at the end after he says "Whee!" he stands up and says "It's fun!" Meredith was cute playing outside too, she is very good with her brother, and loves to put on shows for me. She is definitely one who doesn't mind being the center of attention!
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Ummm...I got nothin'
Yep, nothing much to say, and yet I find myself longing to blog. About anything. Anything at all...This is about the first time in my life where my mind and house are silent at the same time. I guess I will just enjoy the quiet and maybe have some thoughts later.
(My mind isn't totally silent, I do have Poker Face playing in there. Pretty much all the time. But it's not requiring much space right now, so I suppose the quiet is relative.)
(My mind isn't totally silent, I do have Poker Face playing in there. Pretty much all the time. But it's not requiring much space right now, so I suppose the quiet is relative.)
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
The 6th day
Edmond Public Schools are closed again today, which means it is the 6th day in a row of Meredith being home all day when we can't really do much because of the weather. The kids and I have been trying to keep busy, but I am running out of ideas! We did bubble baths first thing yesterday and today because that will entertain them for up to an hour. We have painted, played games, done computer time, pretended to be puppies, played restraunt, built with blocks...I am about played out!
A few highlights:
- Meredith had a bad attitude recently (shocked!) and when she shaped up again she gave me a big hug and said "I'm sorry Mommy. I will try to be good from now on, and never fight or be mean again. Until I am a Mommy, and then I can yell at my kids."
- Nathan got out of the bathtub because he had to pee, but he doesn't know how to tell me that yet, so he tried to get my attention while I was fixing Cooper's bottle and then peed on the floor. He then wanted to sit on the toilet, so we spent the next 30 minutes hanging out in the bathroom. Nothing happened, and I am not going to push it, but I am excited that he is showing interest and isn't even 2 yet. I got a cute picture of him sitting there with his hands folded strategically, but I think I will keep it for the family viewing only!
-Matt is almost finished with the playroom wall, he got the trim up last night. Just 1 more day until the paint is dried enough that we can break out the chalk. Yippee!
A few highlights:
- Meredith had a bad attitude recently (shocked!) and when she shaped up again she gave me a big hug and said "I'm sorry Mommy. I will try to be good from now on, and never fight or be mean again. Until I am a Mommy, and then I can yell at my kids."
- Nathan got out of the bathtub because he had to pee, but he doesn't know how to tell me that yet, so he tried to get my attention while I was fixing Cooper's bottle and then peed on the floor. He then wanted to sit on the toilet, so we spent the next 30 minutes hanging out in the bathroom. Nothing happened, and I am not going to push it, but I am excited that he is showing interest and isn't even 2 yet. I got a cute picture of him sitting there with his hands folded strategically, but I think I will keep it for the family viewing only!
-Matt is almost finished with the playroom wall, he got the trim up last night. Just 1 more day until the paint is dried enough that we can break out the chalk. Yippee!
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