Okay, so less than a week into writing my thankful thoughts for the day each day on my blog I am giving up. Not because I am not grateful, in fact I have a list in my head of all the things that I give thanks for and I think that I don't want to spend my blog time writing them down one at a time. I will post them all together soon when I have a moment, but the kids and life are going by so fast that I would rather record moments about them, and I only have so much time I can spend on the computer!
So, my final thankful thoughts for this previous idea are:
I am thankful for my mom for her strength and ability to think things all the way through, and the way she makes me laugh. I am thankful for my husband, who is very thoughtful and loving (sometimes even in front of people!) and whom I miss while I am visiting in Arizona. And I am thankful for my family at large, from my best friend of a sister to my in-laws to my little nephews who can't even walk yet. Life is good and I love and appreciate all of the blessings that God has given me.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Wednesday and Thursday thanks
I was travelling to Arizona for a quick visit on Wednesday so I am behind on my internet activities! On Wednesday I was thankful for nice and helpful people at the airport, and well-behaved children on the flight.
Today I am thankful for my dad and his un-ending supply of patience with my children. He continues to amaze me with what an outstanding Grandpa he is; even in the midst of a screaming, temper-tantrum throwing, hungry and over-tired 18 month old he still kissed him and said "I love you Nathan!"
Today I am thankful for my dad and his un-ending supply of patience with my children. He continues to amaze me with what an outstanding Grandpa he is; even in the midst of a screaming, temper-tantrum throwing, hungry and over-tired 18 month old he still kissed him and said "I love you Nathan!"
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
November 10 - Thankful thought for the day
Today I am thankful for nice and helpful people at the doctor's offices and pharmacy we use in Oklahoma. People here are so willing to help and friendly, it makes it so much easier to sacrifice naptime to take care of phone calls!
Monday, November 9, 2009
Things for which I am Thankful...
One of my facebook friends posted something challenging us to each think of one thing to give thanks for every day between now and Thanksgiving. I accept the challenge and embrace it gladly, although I will post my thoughts in my blog instead of on facebook just to be different! (And so I can look back through them later!)
So, today I am thankful for my thoughtful, terrific, generous family members. I feel so blessed that I have parents and in-laws who take care of me when I am down for the count, and who shower us with their love and support every day!
So, today I am thankful for my thoughtful, terrific, generous family members. I feel so blessed that I have parents and in-laws who take care of me when I am down for the count, and who shower us with their love and support every day!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Knee update and the honesty of 5 year olds...
Things have been busy around here as I try to recover from knee surgery. My dad is out and helping tremendously with the kids, I don't know how I would have managed without him. 6 days after surgery I still can't walk across the room without significant pain unless I use the crutches. My knee is still really swollen, and I am not up and around as quickly as I hoped I would be. They did quite bit more than they thought they would, but Istarted physical therapy today so now I have a plan to get mobile! One of the major downfalls of having me out of commission is that the house is far below it's normal standard of clean. Matt and my dad are doing their best to keep things picked up and the kids happy, but the deep cleaning I normally do each week has been neglected for almost a month now, and it's driving me crazy!
On Monday I couldn't handle it any more so I pushed myself to come out of my room and start a whirlwind cleaning mission. I picked up the playroom, threw out trash from all over, then headed into Meredith's room, unprepared for the disaster I would find in there. Stuff was strewn about EVERYWHERE, junk under the bed, cracker wrappers and old cups lying around. I lost it and started piling everything together and sorting through it. After about 10 minutes of frantic cleaning, Mere came in and I started handing her things to throw away, put back in the playroom etc. She sighed and said "Actually, I just came in here to watch you clean, not to help." Gotta love the brutal honesty of a 5 year old! I got the house back into liveable conditions, my dad and Matt helped clean the counters and table etc. and I hope I can get back into my regular routine again soon.
Meredith's parent teacher conference was yesterday afternoon and Mrs. Gregg said that she is doing very well. She is at the more advanced end of the class, and is very sweet and a good friend to everyone. Apparently she is the little mother of the class. She worries about everyone in the class having what they need, and won't start her project until everyone has glue, crayons etc. She is always willing to help Mrs. Gregg and reminds her what is going on during the day. I can totally see this, and I was happy to hear that she is helpful and respectful, not pushy and bossy, which we sometimes see at home. She is friends with everyone and the only problem she has is completing assignments on time. Sometimes Mrs. Gregg will let her choose to spend an additional 5 minutes completing a project instead of starting centers when everyone else does, and most of the time the perfectionist in Meredith chooses to finish, even though her work is already far more detailed than most of her classmates. It was nice to hear what she has been doing in class, and I think Matt was surprised to hear that Meredith is perfect at school and not a challenge at all.
On Monday I couldn't handle it any more so I pushed myself to come out of my room and start a whirlwind cleaning mission. I picked up the playroom, threw out trash from all over, then headed into Meredith's room, unprepared for the disaster I would find in there. Stuff was strewn about EVERYWHERE, junk under the bed, cracker wrappers and old cups lying around. I lost it and started piling everything together and sorting through it. After about 10 minutes of frantic cleaning, Mere came in and I started handing her things to throw away, put back in the playroom etc. She sighed and said "Actually, I just came in here to watch you clean, not to help." Gotta love the brutal honesty of a 5 year old! I got the house back into liveable conditions, my dad and Matt helped clean the counters and table etc. and I hope I can get back into my regular routine again soon.
Meredith's parent teacher conference was yesterday afternoon and Mrs. Gregg said that she is doing very well. She is at the more advanced end of the class, and is very sweet and a good friend to everyone. Apparently she is the little mother of the class. She worries about everyone in the class having what they need, and won't start her project until everyone has glue, crayons etc. She is always willing to help Mrs. Gregg and reminds her what is going on during the day. I can totally see this, and I was happy to hear that she is helpful and respectful, not pushy and bossy, which we sometimes see at home. She is friends with everyone and the only problem she has is completing assignments on time. Sometimes Mrs. Gregg will let her choose to spend an additional 5 minutes completing a project instead of starting centers when everyone else does, and most of the time the perfectionist in Meredith chooses to finish, even though her work is already far more detailed than most of her classmates. It was nice to hear what she has been doing in class, and I think Matt was surprised to hear that Meredith is perfect at school and not a challenge at all.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Happy Halloween 2009!
Nathan wasn't sure what to think at first, he was very upset that I stayed in the car and Grandpa took him up to the door. When he realized they were giving out candy, he was super cute about holding his bag out, knocking on doors with Meredith and then helping people shut the door after they gave him candy.
When we got home I had to get straight to bed and ice my knee because I pushed it too much yesterday. The kids hung out in our bed with me and ate some of their candy and snuggled, and it was the highlight of my week. Mere kept saying "Thank you for letting us eat so much candy. Thank you for taking us trick or treating. You are the best mommy in the universe!" it was so sweet. Nathan went nuts over the suckers, he couldn't even wait until the wrapper was off before he was eating them! It was fun to watch their excitement, and their costumes were a hit with the nieghbors. I am so grateful to my dad for helping to make Halloween a success.
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