Monday, November 9, 2009

Things for which I am Thankful...

One of my facebook friends posted something challenging us to each think of one thing to give thanks for every day between now and Thanksgiving. I accept the challenge and embrace it gladly, although I will post my thoughts in my blog instead of on facebook just to be different! (And so I can look back through them later!)

So, today I am thankful for my thoughtful, terrific, generous family members. I feel so blessed that I have parents and in-laws who take care of me when I am down for the count, and who shower us with their love and support every day!

1 comment:

  1. you ARE so lucky.
    do you remember the first year at preschool that the kids had to say what they were thankful for? i will always remember that kenny said legos. luckily it's gotten better since then:)
