Thursday, September 10, 2009

The books I want to write...

Okay, so I constantly have ides for books I want to write, and maybe one day I will get to them. My most recent idea is a short little flip book. like the small square ones they keep by the counter at Barnes and Noble, full of funny little things. I would title my book "If you eat one more bug we are going inside - 300 sentances you never think you will say until you become a parent."

I would have a few pictures taken of cute children to illustrate the points, but I envision something like "It's a toilet, not a bathtub" and "We don't bite the dog" with little stories afterwards. The further into the journey of parenthood I go, the more I think that human beings are amazing. I love hearing other moms talk about their parenting struggles and I love that we all seem to go through the same battles over clothing, shoes, food, bathtime, diapers etc. It makes me feel like maybe I am not just crazy, maybe I am just a mom!

So, if you find yourself uttering things like "We have to send you out in public soon and you can't act like this then!" please send the quotes my way, because I will be compiling them for my book, or maybe just getting a good laugh out of them!

1 comment:

  1. that's hilarious.
    i once had to tell kenny that it wasn't appropriate to come outside naked and pee like a sprinkler in front of my friends. i'm not kidding.
    suzanne mccullough
