Monday, September 28, 2009

The Human Connection

Okay, so here is my sappy moment for the day. I have been reflecting quite a bit lately on the marvel that is connecting with other people. As I get older and more comfortable in my own skin I realize more and more that humans are amazing and wonderful creatures. It astounds me to look at all of the wonderful people in my life who have influenced who I am today, and to watch people drift in and out of my life and the lives around me. I have joked frequently that I "collect" people, because I crave that excitement when you find something in common with someone. I am blessed with many close friends, some of whom I talk with daily, and some of whom I have not talked to in years, but still rely heavily on in thought and spirit. It amazes me how we can form instant connections with people over mutual interests : children, hobbies, people we know, sports, where we went to school etc. Since becoming a mom I have felt and sometimes almost seen that invisible bond that threads mothers everywhere together. That bond is what started me on this thought, actually!

Since we moved to Oklahoma, I have been longing for girlfriends. I miss the mothers at Meredith's old preschool, my neighbor from across the street, old college friends who are now mothers themselves, and my friends from Gymboree. However, today I am writing this because I am thinking of the mom connection that is formed when your children first enter the big world of school. One of my friends from Meredith's school is a performer. (Krista "Funky Mama" Eyler - she rocks!) Her son was in Meredith's class, and used to be the first one to greet Meredith each morning. She was raised in a house right around the corner from where we lived. Each morning as we would rush the kids into school, we would smile and wave to eachother, and occaisionally have a chance for a hurried visit as we rushed off to the events we had planned for that brief 2 1/2 hour period during school. We joked about how we would be in-laws someday, because the kids should get married. In July, 4 months after moving away from the wonderful commeraderie of the Village Preschool moms, Krista was playing at the library in OKC. I had the date on my calendar for months in advance, and as soon as we entered the room, Krista said "MEREDITH!" loudly into the microphone and rushed over for hugs. Meredith gave her a picture she had drawn for Joseph, we rocked out to the concert, and got to talk briefly for a moment while she packed up.

As we left the library that day, amid promises to write and keep in touch (which I still intend to keep, but clearly I am a procrastinator. I have been wanting to write this since July!) I was struck by how special it was to me to see a familiar face. That connection happens in an instant; over a brief joke told by your 4 year old, the memory of a slumber party for a friend in elementary school, having to share a locker with a stranger, or even just knowing that you were at one point living in the same town. These are the ties that bind us to the human race. I am eternally grateful for the knowledge that I have connections to people in this world. I love that facebook, blogs, texting and e-mail can help keep us connected. I truly care about everyone I have had these connecting moments with in my life, and I love getting to hear about what is happening in their day. So thank you to all of my friends, from my very best college friends who know my deepest and darkest thoughts and love me anyway, to the friends I have had in my life since elementary school but for some reason just drifted apart from.Your friendships make me feel valued and loved and I appreciate that we share that human connection! Thanks for making a difference in my life.

1 comment:

  1. that's great that you were able to see krista in ok.
    i totally remember you guys talking about how you were going to be in-laws.
