Sunday, October 18, 2009

Grow up already!

Okay, so I try very hard to tune out most of the politics in the world, largely because I feel that neither party has all the answers and it really bothers me that BOTH parties persist in clinging to some of the ideas that I see as clearly outdated. I actually would consider myself a republicrat if there was such a thing, because I am very middle of the road in my theories. I care about people and feel that as a Christian, it is my duty to help others, be it through government action or not. I am strongly apposed to abortion, but I don't think that the general population necessarily needs to have a limitless supply of guns around either. I don't support war or violent actions, but I also support defending ourselves and understand that at times, war is a necessity.

The state of our nation concerns me, and I just read an article about the "feud" between Fox News and the White House. Seriously? Give it a break people. Grow up. I am saddened to think that the people running our country and ulimately making decisions that can affect my children's future are bickering about someone's opinion on a White House administration. The phrase "I'm rubber and you're glue" was ACTUALLY USED in this article! Good golly Miss Molly, could I please give detention to all of the involved parties? Take away their recess? Something? When did running our country become such a joke that a news station showed Zero respect to the President? When did the Nobel Peace prize committee throw out all the previous requirements and nominate someone for having a "good idea" without taking steps to execute it at all?

To all the leaders, news stations, reporters, political analysts and politicians in the world: Get over yourselves. Get back to trying to accomplish something, get over your stupid party boundaries and think about the right thing to do as a human being. Let's go back to living by the golden rule, instead of playground antics! To make the world a better place, everyone should just try to do the right thing, regardless of all the other crap that is out there. I challenge each of you to try to stick to doing what you know is right, and hopefully we can be positive enough to make a difference in the world. If it is left up to the powers that be in either party, we are all screwed!

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