I am happy to hear that she knows she is loved. Sometimes I feel like all I do is battle the children all day long about getting them to eat, get dressed, be conscious of their surroundings, be nice, be gentle, be kind etc., so I feel validated seeing how she does know that we love her and we are very proud of her.
Meredith is also starting to think about others in a much more noticible way. Yesterday it was pouring and we drove by someone holding a sign by the highway. She asked a ton of questions about homeless people, how we can help them, food/shelters etc. and was really feeling sorry for the people who don't have as many blessings as we do. She also asked yesterday if she could bring extra money to school today so that 2 of her friends could dress up even though their parents can't send money in. (They do a dress up day 2 Fridays a month to raise money for various charities and everyone brings a dollar.) I don't know if there are actually 2 kids who truly need the help, but I jumped on it! I am so proud of her for being aware of others, and I feel like some of my hard work is finally paying off! I have worked with her for years on being aware of others and being empathetic, so it's nice to hear it come from her now.
that is cute... LOVE