Sunday, December 27, 2009

Meredith's Kindergarten Thanksgiving

Meredith's class had 2 Thanksgiving celebrations. The first one was a program where the kids sang, danced, wore turkey hats and said what they are thankful for. It was really cute, and Meredith said "I am thankful for the angels that watch over me." Sweet, and I am not sure where she comes up with some of the things she says! My favorite part of the performance was watching the kids do the turkey trot. They were a riot!A few days later they had their Thanksgiving feast. The menu was peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, carrots with ranch dressing, chex mix and lemonade. I helped get the feast prepared (unwisely choosing the pb and j table....sticky 5 year old hands everywhere!) The kids went into the hall for a story and the other parents and I pushed the tables together and set the plates around. The kids were excited when they came in, and it was fun to watch them find their seats and chatter with their friends. The pictures are of Meredith with Mrs. Gregg, and her class at their programs.

1 comment:

  1. pb&j's, chex know, that's what the pilgrims ate too:) kenny's class had a very similiar menu at their feast too.
    i don't know why but this post and the past 3 JUST now popped up on my google reader.
