Tuesday, December 29, 2009
A very Merry Christmas to you!
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Meredith's Kindergarten Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving 2009
Sunday, December 13, 2009
The Flagstaff Visit - It's not the destination, it's the journey...
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Me time!
Before we left for vacation I think we got everything in the best shape we possibly could, which helps me to be able to relax. The entire house was clean, the instructions were typed up and neatly organized in a notebook for my in-laws, and I even managed to do the super-mom thing and leave little post-it notes around the house for the kids, telling them I love them and left a few little treats for them. (Hugs and Kisses from Hersheys, a heart shaped necklace for Meredith from us, some silly putty to remind them of their silly mommy...)
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Perhaps it was expecting too much!
So, my final thankful thoughts for this previous idea are:
I am thankful for my mom for her strength and ability to think things all the way through, and the way she makes me laugh. I am thankful for my husband, who is very thoughtful and loving (sometimes even in front of people!) and whom I miss while I am visiting in Arizona. And I am thankful for my family at large, from my best friend of a sister to my in-laws to my little nephews who can't even walk yet. Life is good and I love and appreciate all of the blessings that God has given me.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Wednesday and Thursday thanks
Today I am thankful for my dad and his un-ending supply of patience with my children. He continues to amaze me with what an outstanding Grandpa he is; even in the midst of a screaming, temper-tantrum throwing, hungry and over-tired 18 month old he still kissed him and said "I love you Nathan!"
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
November 10 - Thankful thought for the day
Monday, November 9, 2009
Things for which I am Thankful...
So, today I am thankful for my thoughtful, terrific, generous family members. I feel so blessed that I have parents and in-laws who take care of me when I am down for the count, and who shower us with their love and support every day!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Knee update and the honesty of 5 year olds...
On Monday I couldn't handle it any more so I pushed myself to come out of my room and start a whirlwind cleaning mission. I picked up the playroom, threw out trash from all over, then headed into Meredith's room, unprepared for the disaster I would find in there. Stuff was strewn about EVERYWHERE, junk under the bed, cracker wrappers and old cups lying around. I lost it and started piling everything together and sorting through it. After about 10 minutes of frantic cleaning, Mere came in and I started handing her things to throw away, put back in the playroom etc. She sighed and said "Actually, I just came in here to watch you clean, not to help." Gotta love the brutal honesty of a 5 year old! I got the house back into liveable conditions, my dad and Matt helped clean the counters and table etc. and I hope I can get back into my regular routine again soon.
Meredith's parent teacher conference was yesterday afternoon and Mrs. Gregg said that she is doing very well. She is at the more advanced end of the class, and is very sweet and a good friend to everyone. Apparently she is the little mother of the class. She worries about everyone in the class having what they need, and won't start her project until everyone has glue, crayons etc. She is always willing to help Mrs. Gregg and reminds her what is going on during the day. I can totally see this, and I was happy to hear that she is helpful and respectful, not pushy and bossy, which we sometimes see at home. She is friends with everyone and the only problem she has is completing assignments on time. Sometimes Mrs. Gregg will let her choose to spend an additional 5 minutes completing a project instead of starting centers when everyone else does, and most of the time the perfectionist in Meredith chooses to finish, even though her work is already far more detailed than most of her classmates. It was nice to hear what she has been doing in class, and I think Matt was surprised to hear that Meredith is perfect at school and not a challenge at all.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Happy Halloween 2009!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Nathan at almost 18 months
Nathan is a happy little soul, and I am pretty sure that he just walks around thinking "Life is GREAT! Life is GREAT!" He loves Mere and Toby (our dog) with total abandonment, and the highlight of his day is when "meh meh" gets home from school. He runs to her, shouting her name and hugs her as hard as his little arms can! He is all about being Mommy's helper, he loves to be involved in anything I do, from fixing dinner to changing Coop's diaper. He will even hand me one of his diapers and the wipes, then lay down on the floor with his legs in the air! (Usually right after I have changed him, occaisionally when he is dirty, and he still runs laughing in the other direction when I try to change him unless it was his idea.)
It's not always stuff that should be funny or cute. Yesterday Nathan made a bee-line for the street while I was getting the kids out the door to run Meredith to school. I ran after him (with my injured knee, which made it horrible for the rest of the day.) and scooped him up and told him in my most serious and scary Mommy voice "That is bad! We don't run to the street, it is dangerous. You could get hurt." He flashed me a big, cheesy, tooth-baring grin. When I didn't smile back, he looked serious for a second, then grinned again. He did this several times all the way up the driveway, and he started laughing as he flashed these goofy grins. I didn't laugh, but man I wanted to!
Here are a few of the things that he is up to these days. I am still so smitten with my little boy I can't believe it!
So stinkin' CUTE!
So, to show off my kids in all their glory, here are some video clips highlighting what they are doing these days. I spend most of my days cracking up because I can't get over how funny they can be at times!
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Date night! And a few cute happenings from the kids.
Since the kiddos are out having fun, Matty and I are going to get to see a movie! It's probably a little sad how excited I am about it, but we are off to see Couple's Retreat this afternoon before we get the kids. It should be a nice break from sitting on the couch with my knee wrapped and iced!
Mere has been hilarious lately, JoAnn was telling me that last Sunday Mere was obsessed with a grasshopper and spent an hour watching him. She said "I have a hypothesis about the grasshopper. I think he must be hurt, and that's why he isn't hopping away from me." They had to leave to go to Kelli's game, and Mere had Gigi put the grasshopper in a cup with holes poked in foil on the top. She left strict instructions for them to "Keep and eye on the grasshopper to make sure he is okay." When she got back from the game, the first thing she did was ask where the grasshopper was, but the cup and blown over and her little friend had hopped away. She said "Oh, I was afraid that would happen. I guess next time I know I just can't go to the game, I will have to stay home to make sure my grasshopper is okay."
We were driving the other day after a few days at home sick, and Meredith noticed that the trees were all changing colors. She pointed it out, then told me "When we see something different, like the leaves changing colors, that's called being observant. You were observing them, and so was I!" Funny little thing.
Nathan is now saying "bite" whenever he gets hungry, and he has added "shoe" and "zoo" to his vocabulary this week. We also think he is saying "side" for outside. He was singing along with the little people cd we have to a song called "Daddy's taking us to the zoo tomorrow", they say "Zoo, zoo, zoo, how about you, you,you" and he was jammin out with the cd! My kids crack me up!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Today is the day
- I have a fresh brewed pot of coffee eagerly awaiting me in the kitchen.
- My house was picked up when I woke up because we did it last night.
- Meredith and Nathan are so sweet to eachother and I am a very blessed mom.
- Matt and I get to go on vacation in 30-something days! Cancun here we come!
- We have a beautiful house which I thouroughly love.
- The laundry is all put away.
- I am getting to quietly sit and enjoy the bats flickering on the wall from one of my Halloween candle holders.
- I get to see my family in a few weeks.
So, there it is. Life is good, and I just need to remember to focus on that instead of some of the other little daily annoyances. Have a wonderful day, I am off to drink my coffee!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Bummer of a week!
Monday night when I was tucking Meredith in, I kissed her forehead after praying over her and she was burning up! I took her temperature and sure enough, she had a fever of 103.4. I gave her some ibuprofen and got her more water, and started thinking if there had been any signs that she was sick. She didn't eat lunch or dinner, but some days that isn't unusual. She kept saying her legs hurt, but I thought she was just wanting to be like me. (Also not unusual.) When she got home from school, she said her eyes hurt, but I didn't know what to think about that. She has had a slight cough and some congestion, but that had been happening since she got her flu mist 2 weeks ago and I didn't think it was anything serious. So, poor Mer has a fever and feels horrible and I didn't take her seriously when she mentioned the little things that add up to be the swine flu! Mommy guilt issue number 2.
We took Meredith in on Tuesday morning to get tested, and sure enough, she has the swine flu. Awesome. The doctor assured me that this will pass just like everything else, just keep pushing fluids and have Meredith rest. Oh, and in all likelyhood, Nathan will get it too. And probably me. Goody! Something to look forward to! She also said that the Tamaflu they are prescribing for this is bad news bears and she doesn't recommend it unless the child has asthma or is in a high risk category. Fortunately both my kids are pretty sturdy stock and very resiliant. Thankfully, my father in law was willing to run to the store and stock up on Gatorade and OJ for us, and also grabbed a knee bandage for me. (The one I had been using was from 8th grade, and I weighed 130 when I used it last. Not quite there yet!) I am hoping that we didn't infect Cooper on Monday, or anyone else at Meredith's school. Mommy guilt number 3.
I am feeling very stressed out right now, and spent most of yesterday grazing, which is horribly counter-productive to the diet, especially since I can't do much to work out right now. I even persuaded Matt to order chinese food last night, which is 100% not good for us. Mommy guilt issue number 4. I am going to see an orthopedic surgeon on Thursday about my knee, and in typical Blythe fashion I am figuring out our contingency plan for whatever he might say. Surgery next week? Okay, I will do things this way...Can't fix it until December? Okay, I will have to get some crutches...and pain meds! This is stressing me out a lot, and I am trying to remember that mantra of "Can you do anything about it? No? Then stop worrying about it!" that my dad tells me (sometimes a few times a day) but it is hard to do when I feel like things are completely up in the air.
So, today we are just trying to hang in there. Meredith feels fine after the ibuprofen kicks in, other than her cough, so I am trying to convince her that she really is sick. It's hard to be cooped up in the house for several days, so we will probably road trip it to the drive through at the bank. Wahoo, how my life has changed! I never thought I would be excited to run errands as a big day out...Ahh, life in my 30s! Well, I am off to ice my knee, do 100 crunches and shower so I can sit around the house again today and wallow in my mommy guilt!
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Grow up already!
The state of our nation concerns me, and I just read an article about the "feud" between Fox News and the White House. Seriously? Give it a break people. Grow up. I am saddened to think that the people running our country and ulimately making decisions that can affect my children's future are bickering about someone's opinion on a White House administration. The phrase "I'm rubber and you're glue" was ACTUALLY USED in this article! Good golly Miss Molly, could I please give detention to all of the involved parties? Take away their recess? Something? When did running our country become such a joke that a news station showed Zero respect to the President? When did the Nobel Peace prize committee throw out all the previous requirements and nominate someone for having a "good idea" without taking steps to execute it at all?
To all the leaders, news stations, reporters, political analysts and politicians in the world: Get over yourselves. Get back to trying to accomplish something, get over your stupid party boundaries and think about the right thing to do as a human being. Let's go back to living by the golden rule, instead of playground antics! To make the world a better place, everyone should just try to do the right thing, regardless of all the other crap that is out there. I challenge each of you to try to stick to doing what you know is right, and hopefully we can be positive enough to make a difference in the world. If it is left up to the powers that be in either party, we are all screwed!
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Orr Family Farm Pumpkin time!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Pirates, Safaris and Aces...Oh my!
So, the phsycologist that we were going to go see fizzled out. She had a funeral the day of our appointment, and rescheduling childcare became a nightmare. Matt's efforts with Meredith seem to be making a big difference, so we are putting it off for a while unless things get really bad again. Matt and I have decided that we need to start being nicer, because we are pretty hard on her sometimes, and we are amazed at how mature she is when we see her with other kids her age...I forget sometimes that kids aren't supposed to always listen and follow directions, and that many children are allowed to get away with MUCH more than we let our kids get away with. We both really want kids who are well liked by everyone, and we don't want our kids to be the one in the class that people don't want to invite over because they are such hellions!
So, in our efforts to continue to improve life at the Donovan house, we attended a speaker at Meredith's school on Positive Behavior Intervention Systems (PBIS), which is what they do at her school to encourage the children to behave. It was wonderful, and I feel like we got lots of good information. For example, for every negative thing that a person (children and adults alike) hears, it takes 8 positive things to make them feel positive again. We are going to start implementing the reward system for positive behavior at home too, with our own version of the Aces that her school hands out. (Pieces of paper identifying what they were doing that was being respectful, responsible and ready to learn. They can "buy" special things, like getting to have their shoes off for one whole day in the classroom, or renting the principals chair for the day.) We are excited about getting the details worked out this weekend and starting next week, Mer will earn Aces here at home too. I will report how it works later!
The other thing I have been doing is going back to being a more "off the wall" mom. Every week or every other week I am planning to start having something new set up when the kids wake up. Not every day, so that it is still exciting to them when I do it, but this week I started this with playing pirates. We set up a long folding table and draped a sheet over it, pretending it was our ship. I had Meredith draw a map (at her insistence, really. I had a plan, but she wanted to draw it, so I let her take the lead!) and we did a series of treasure hunts, pretended to be shipwrecked and talked to our imaginary parrots. Nathan thought it was hilarious, and Meredith was on her best behavior the rest of the day! I have tons of other ideas, like a safari, zookeeper, beach day, circus day, Firefighter day etc., and I think that I can run with the themes and do art projects, immaginary play, dress up, and hopefully a story with each one. (yep, that education degree is paying off!) I think it will be fun for all of us, because I love to plan, the kids love surprises, Meredith does much better from a behavior standpoint if I keep her very busy, and Nathan is really into imaginary play right now. Everyone wins!
So, that is what we are up to in the land of Donovan. If you have any ideas about themes we could do, please let me know! And of course, I will post pictures as I start the themes each time. It's nice to be tapping into my creative parenting side again, sometimes I lose it in the daily routine.
The marshmellow pancake adventure
It was not the healthiest breakfast my children have ever eaten, but I am sure they have had worse too! It never would have occured to me to put marshmellows on pancakes, but it was something different to do, and I am all about trying to keep things interesting around here!
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Nothin' special
Nathan was cute this morning, I got him up a little after 8, and the house was still dark. He asked "Night night?" and I said yes, Daddy and Toby are still night night, and Mer-Bear is night night too. His little head whipped around and he lunged for Meredith's room. He pointed and said "Mer in der?" (I understood him, it wasn't this clear to the average listener I am certain.) I asked "Should we go wake her up?" and he laughed and lunged for her room again. When we went in, he flung himself on top of her and patted her head and kissed her. She is the best toy ever as far as her little brother is concerned!
That's it for today's report. Just a nice fall day. Matt is watching the OSU game, Mer is watching a movie in her room, Bear is napping. And I have every intention of burying myself in bed with a book and reading/napping for the next couple of hours. Life is good!
Friday, October 9, 2009
Must be doing something right
I am happy to hear that she knows she is loved. Sometimes I feel like all I do is battle the children all day long about getting them to eat, get dressed, be conscious of their surroundings, be nice, be gentle, be kind etc., so I feel validated seeing how she does know that we love her and we are very proud of her.
Meredith is also starting to think about others in a much more noticible way. Yesterday it was pouring and we drove by someone holding a sign by the highway. She asked a ton of questions about homeless people, how we can help them, food/shelters etc. and was really feeling sorry for the people who don't have as many blessings as we do. She also asked yesterday if she could bring extra money to school today so that 2 of her friends could dress up even though their parents can't send money in. (They do a dress up day 2 Fridays a month to raise money for various charities and everyone brings a dollar.) I don't know if there are actually 2 kids who truly need the help, but I jumped on it! I am so proud of her for being aware of others, and I feel like some of my hard work is finally paying off! I have worked with her for years on being aware of others and being empathetic, so it's nice to hear it come from her now.
Matt and Meredith
That night at dinner, he asked what they had talked about, and Meredith (after some prodding and pretend forgetfulness) said "I should be sweet, catch flies with honey. Be respectful, be a good listener and be responsible." On Tuesday morning, he asked if she would please call him when she got up, and she was excited to talk to him. They reviewed her goals for the day, chatted for a minute and Tuesday was great! Same deal on Wednesday and Thursday. When Matt gets home now he asks her how the day was and she has been excited to give him a good report each day. I am AMAZED at the difference this change has made in her, and so thrilled that Matt thought of it and is taking the lead on it. I think she really likes feeling a close bond with him, and I am proud of him for making the effort to be more patient and listen to her more now than he ever has. I hope that their relationship will continue to blossom from this new dimension, it seems to have made all the difference in the world!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Just melts my heart...
Bearsie is also saying lots of things these days, my current favorites are "Boo. Aaah!" always said together, and the way he cracks up when I say the words "Ew!" or "Blankie". I would love to know what makes these 2 especially funny to him! My other random Bear thought for the day is that I adore how he immediately scoots over to the very edge of his crib when you put him down to sleep, he curls up and sticks a little hand out through the bars and waves his fingers, then drifts to sleep with his face pressed up against the bars...I will try to get a picture, he is so stinkin' cute!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Now that I am a grown up...
The truth of the matter is that until this year, I have spent most of my life making big changes to try to put off dealing with my own issues. I have presented a happy facade to the world, embraced multitudes of people closely, but not ever truly let them get too close to me. Over the past year my life has been changing, and my attitude has been changing with it. I am more at peace with myself now than I have ever been. I am struggling to remember that I can't control everything, or really anything, other than my own actions and reactions. I am giving thanks daily for my family and all the blessings we have. By now I have seen so many things that seemed like the end of the road work out to be better than I could have imagined, and I am learning to have faith and trust that God has a plan and that I don't have to know what it is.
Perhaps because of all these revelations in the past year, I also took a new approach to life in my 30's. I had a nice little chat with myself, and decided that it is time to grow up. Matt and I have been working together on improving everything in our lives, so here is the list of things I have been doing as a responsible adult now that I am 30.
- Flossing my teeth regularly
- Making time to work out several times a week
- Keeping on top of the housework all the time
- Trying to seriously pay down debt instead of running it up
- Getting annual check-ups, eye exams and dental exams
- Not eating out just because I don't really want to cook
- Making and sticking to (for the most part) a monthly menu
- Making a conscious effort to take stock of my blessings and truly enjoy my husband and children
- Suck it up! Everyone has bad times in their lives, everyone has struggles, and I am vowing to be more positive and not dwell on the struggles.
So, since May I have been doing a fairly good job of keeping these "new decade" resolutions. We have also been focused on getting ourselves in much better shape, so I am happy to report that I am down 61 pounds since we moved to OKC on March 1st! Bring on the next 30 years, I welcome them with open arms and look forward to continuing to improve myself and living my life to the fullest. And hey, getting older certainly beats the alternative!
Sunday, October 4, 2009
The weekend whirlwind
We arrived at 10:30 Friday night to spend the night with our friends Kristen and Jay, and put the kids to bed first thing. The schedule for Saturday went something like this:
7:15 - wake up and hustle 4 sleepy Donovans to get ready for a jam-packed day
8:15 - pick up our old neighbor, Joey, so she and Meredith could see each other
8:30 - reflect on how random 5 year old girls are as they giggle in the back seat, saying things like "Did you know I have a raccoon on my pants?" "No, did you know I am doing gymnastics?" and "I wanted to name my little brother Aiden when he was still in my mom's tummy, but my mom and daddy said no because that is your brother's name"
8:45 - meet the Lilak family for breakfast so that Meredith can see her best friend from preschool (We wanted to try to see some of the other friends as well, but they were out of town this weekend...That's you Suzanne!)
9:45 - Matt nearly has a meltdown after having to deal with Nathan at breakfast while I chat with the adults. (A nice and infrequent occurrence for me.) We decide we better move on to the next stop on the KC tour.
10:15 - Arrive at Deanna Rose, wander around looking at everything and wishing OKC had a place like it! Bear gets a kick out of feeding the goats and the girls keep making dinosaur sounds at the animals until I am getting dirty looks from nearby parents. We try to quiet them down with a trip to the playground, where Nathan discovers the joys of the tunnel slide.
12:30- lunchtime at Maloney's, we leave Matt there so that he can meet up with his ERAC friends and head out to try to get the kids to nap.
2:30- Bear discovers that he can jump in the crib at Kristen's house and spends the next 45 minutes testing this new-found skill and laughing. I give up on resting and go outside to help set-up for Kyle's birthday party.
3:30 - party begins, children arrive in droves. Bear spends the whole time pretending to vacuum the floors and moving things around outside. Mere has fun with the other kids, party is deemed a success.
5:00 - head to Maloney's to pick up (drunk and happy) Matty. Get there about 10 minutes late, then stop to make him get me caffeine, since my nap was a no go.
5:45 until we leave town Sunday morning...reach our final destination, relax and have a TERRIFIC time hanging out with my very best friends! I love watching our husbands complete the male ritual of gathering around the grill drinking beer, I love watching our kids play together, and I LOVE LOVE LOVE (!) seeing the girls. Nathan and Lily were so cute together, and Natalia, Dylan and Meredith just jumped right into playing as though they all get together every day.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
My Super-Mom moment
Monday, September 28, 2009
The Human Connection
Since we moved to Oklahoma, I have been longing for girlfriends. I miss the mothers at Meredith's old preschool, my neighbor from across the street, old college friends who are now mothers themselves, and my friends from Gymboree. However, today I am writing this because I am thinking of the mom connection that is formed when your children first enter the big world of school. One of my friends from Meredith's school is a performer. (Krista "Funky Mama" Eyler - she rocks!) Her son was in Meredith's class, and used to be the first one to greet Meredith each morning. She was raised in a house right around the corner from where we lived. Each morning as we would rush the kids into school, we would smile and wave to eachother, and occaisionally have a chance for a hurried visit as we rushed off to the events we had planned for that brief 2 1/2 hour period during school. We joked about how we would be in-laws someday, because the kids should get married. In July, 4 months after moving away from the wonderful commeraderie of the Village Preschool moms, Krista was playing at the library in OKC. I had the date on my calendar for months in advance, and as soon as we entered the room, Krista said "MEREDITH!" loudly into the microphone and rushed over for hugs. Meredith gave her a picture she had drawn for Joseph, we rocked out to the concert, and got to talk briefly for a moment while she packed up.
As we left the library that day, amid promises to write and keep in touch (which I still intend to keep, but clearly I am a procrastinator. I have been wanting to write this since July!) I was struck by how special it was to me to see a familiar face. That connection happens in an instant; over a brief joke told by your 4 year old, the memory of a slumber party for a friend in elementary school, having to share a locker with a stranger, or even just knowing that you were at one point living in the same town. These are the ties that bind us to the human race. I am eternally grateful for the knowledge that I have connections to people in this world. I love that facebook, blogs, texting and e-mail can help keep us connected. I truly care about everyone I have had these connecting moments with in my life, and I love getting to hear about what is happening in their day. So thank you to all of my friends, from my very best college friends who know my deepest and darkest thoughts and love me anyway, to the friends I have had in my life since elementary school but for some reason just drifted apart from.Your friendships make me feel valued and loved and I appreciate that we share that human connection! Thanks for making a difference in my life.