Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Bummer of a week!

Well, this week is not my favorite week ever. Last Wednesday I was doing my step aerobics at night and my left knee locked up and starting hurting a lot. It has been hurting a lot since then, and on Monday it got worse. I was carrying Nathan and when I stepped on my left leg, my knee gave out and started having stabbing pains whenever I stepped on my left leg. I screamed and scared Nathan to bits, so he screamed and cried. Mommy guilt issue number 1.

Monday night when I was tucking Meredith in, I kissed her forehead after praying over her and she was burning up! I took her temperature and sure enough, she had a fever of 103.4. I gave her some ibuprofen and got her more water, and started thinking if there had been any signs that she was sick. She didn't eat lunch or dinner, but some days that isn't unusual. She kept saying her legs hurt, but I thought she was just wanting to be like me. (Also not unusual.) When she got home from school, she said her eyes hurt, but I didn't know what to think about that. She has had a slight cough and some congestion, but that had been happening since she got her flu mist 2 weeks ago and I didn't think it was anything serious. So, poor Mer has a fever and feels horrible and I didn't take her seriously when she mentioned the little things that add up to be the swine flu! Mommy guilt issue number 2.

We took Meredith in on Tuesday morning to get tested, and sure enough, she has the swine flu. Awesome. The doctor assured me that this will pass just like everything else, just keep pushing fluids and have Meredith rest. Oh, and in all likelyhood, Nathan will get it too. And probably me. Goody! Something to look forward to! She also said that the Tamaflu they are prescribing for this is bad news bears and she doesn't recommend it unless the child has asthma or is in a high risk category. Fortunately both my kids are pretty sturdy stock and very resiliant. Thankfully, my father in law was willing to run to the store and stock up on Gatorade and OJ for us, and also grabbed a knee bandage for me. (The one I had been using was from 8th grade, and I weighed 130 when I used it last. Not quite there yet!) I am hoping that we didn't infect Cooper on Monday, or anyone else at Meredith's school. Mommy guilt number 3.

I am feeling very stressed out right now, and spent most of yesterday grazing, which is horribly counter-productive to the diet, especially since I can't do much to work out right now. I even persuaded Matt to order chinese food last night, which is 100% not good for us. Mommy guilt issue number 4. I am going to see an orthopedic surgeon on Thursday about my knee, and in typical Blythe fashion I am figuring out our contingency plan for whatever he might say. Surgery next week? Okay, I will do things this way...Can't fix it until December? Okay, I will have to get some crutches...and pain meds! This is stressing me out a lot, and I am trying to remember that mantra of "Can you do anything about it? No? Then stop worrying about it!" that my dad tells me (sometimes a few times a day) but it is hard to do when I feel like things are completely up in the air.

So, today we are just trying to hang in there. Meredith feels fine after the ibuprofen kicks in, other than her cough, so I am trying to convince her that she really is sick. It's hard to be cooped up in the house for several days, so we will probably road trip it to the drive through at the bank. Wahoo, how my life has changed! I never thought I would be excited to run errands as a big day out...Ahh, life in my 30s! Well, I am off to ice my knee, do 100 crunches and shower so I can sit around the house again today and wallow in my mommy guilt!

1 comment:

  1. poor meredith. it seems like everybody has either the flu or h1n1. blah.
    i swear we've been passing around the same cold to each other for the past month.
